Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Are we there yet?  Are we there yet?

Any parent reading this is familiar with the refrain. And the answer is
usually "no", because if are there yet, we would be opening the car door
and letting everybody out.

But the answer really is "yes". Because wherever you are, you are there.
And wherever you have come from, it has lead you to the very spot you are
on now. True, this is a never-ending story, but every spot along our
journey through life is "there". None should be written off as a moment
waiting for the final destination, because our final destination is not
where most of us really feel like reaching today,right?

So enjoy every moment along this trip. We are there yet.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Somebody needs YOU!

Many people devalue their God given gifts. Many of those same people underappreciate their worth. People laugh off their natural srengths. Many people have a tough time taking in appreciateion. Many people take lightly their assignment in life.

We were all born to solve a problem!!

Dentists solve teeth problems. Phones solve communication problems. Cars solve transportation problems. We forgot how important we really are to SOMEONE, somehere.

We were born to be a reward and a blessing for one person or even a group of people. Look around you, everything was created to solve a problem. You were born to be a STAR to this generation. You were!!

Maybe it's business, family life, being a great listener, there's some problem that only you can solve. There is somebody who needs you RIGHT NOW. There is someone you can bring joy to.

You can and WILL make somebody's day. Focus on bringing more purpose and meaning to your life. The fastest way to get what you want is to help someone else get what they want first.

Believe in someone else's greatness today!

Spread your good works wide and far...SOMEONE NEEDS YOUR STAR!


"Keeping resentment is letting someone you despise live in your head"

Let go of the resentment, because it only controls you. Being controlled by resentment
will never make you happier, more fulfilled, healthier or more successful. Your only
solution is to forgive wholeheartedly the person who has offended, however great the
transgression and however evil you might think that person is.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


When you reach the end of your life, everything you experienced in life will boil down to two categories:

"I wish I had" & "I'm glad I did"

One key to a happy life, one definition of success, is to include as many things into "I'm glad I did" as possible, and leave as few things possible in "I wish I had".

What are you thinking of doing? If you are thinking of doing it, you can safely bet that someday you will think of having done it...or not having done it.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. That is so true.

But anything worth doing is also worth doing poorly...until you can do it well. So don't sit around waiting to do something well before doing it. If it's worth doing, do it right away. Don't worry, you'll get better with practice.