Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Are we there yet?  Are we there yet?

Any parent reading this is familiar with the refrain. And the answer is
usually "no", because if are there yet, we would be opening the car door
and letting everybody out.

But the answer really is "yes". Because wherever you are, you are there.
And wherever you have come from, it has lead you to the very spot you are
on now. True, this is a never-ending story, but every spot along our
journey through life is "there". None should be written off as a moment
waiting for the final destination, because our final destination is not
where most of us really feel like reaching today,right?

So enjoy every moment along this trip. We are there yet.

1 comment:

Enjoy the Journey said...

I love this! I am going to have to keep this in mind for a future day of need!